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Creative Writing - by Kasak

Available only as an online course, taught by Instagram Influencer - @RamblingsbyKasak

Module 1

Class 1 Getting Started

1. Why write?

2. Motivation and guidelines

a. Importance of having a solid 'Why'

3. Sure shot way to get most out of this course

a. Pre-framing

  1. Keeping ego at bay

  2. Setting realistic expectations

  1. Importance of reading and listening

  2. Why interesting writers learn writing the boring way

a. Importance of saturating yourself with ample content before beginning and

b. Daily journaling

6. Terminologies and different styles of creative writing

a. Choose your project and adhere to that art form- poetry, prose, quatrains, quotes, shayari, storytelling, performing arts etc.

Class 2
Basics of writing (part 1)

  1. How to start writing

  2. What should you write first?

  3. 2 kinds of writers and why should start being only one

  1. Tools every writer needs in his arsenal

  2. Observation and tapping into emotions

  3. Impeccable vocabulary

  4. Mode of expression/performance

  5. 5 steps to a satisfactory first draft (tbd)

  6. Influencing yourself the right way- reading good material from the beginning

    in the genre you wish to write

Class 3
Basics of writing (part 2)

  1. Power of observation/imagination and combining both

  2. Understanding a same story from different perspectives (and find your

    perspective in it)

  3. Importance of research

  4. Discipline

  5. Rewarding yourself the right way (creations)

  6. Knowing when NOT to write

Ordinary writer vs good writer

Class 4
Evoking the right emotions with your writing

  1. Transfer of empathy (protagonist- agony)

  2. Looking inside yourself for emotions and their depiction 

  3.  Writing stories on universal emotions that have a better chance of working-love, loss, sadness, fear, joy, anger, success etc.


Module 2 Tools for influencing techniques of writing

Class 5

1. Alliteration
2. Metaphors
3. Personification

4. Comparison/Simile 5. Nostalgia

Class 6 Poetry

  1. Using your surroundings

  2. Importance of metaphors

  3. How to write a poem from start to end (riding the boat of inspiration)

  4. Types of poetry

a. Shayari
b. Haiku
c. Quatrains etc.

Class 7
Prose writing (stories)

  1. Finding your story

  2. Structuring your story

  3. Importance of knowing where you are and where you want to go

  4. Elements of a story/components

  5. Construction of characters

  1. Simple ideas to polished stories

  2. First to final drafts- power of revisiting it later

  3. Short stories vs novels

Class 8
Editing your stories

1. Removing redundant and recurring vocabulary

  1. Using metaphors to convey emotions and make it relatable

  2. Adding facts, sounds as ornaments


Module 3 Performing arts (how to perform your piece)

Class 9

  1. Importance of learning listening to stories/performances

  2. Be shameless- Fill your insult/failure quota from the start

  3. Explore performing art platforms

  4. How overconfidence is better than under confidence

  5. Importance of preparation and practice

  6. Picking up the right story for the right audience

  7. Body language and annihilating fear.

Class 10 Miscellaneous tools

  1. Writer’s block

  2. Dealing with criticism and success

  1. Rights after publishing

  2. Genres to explore

Class 11
Growing as a writer on social media

1. Starting maintaining and running a page

  1. Mindsets to cater to

  2. Understanding your audience/algorithms

  3. Caring for your reader

  4. Hashtags

  5. Presentation of content

  6. Content insights and influencer marketing (how to do the same)

  7. Remodeling success (seeing what works for your competitors)

Class 12
Parting words (final overview)

  1. Hit and trial

  2. Celebrating small wins

  3. Giving your journey time to unfold

  4. Power of consistency

  1. Never losing sight of your goal in writing

  2. Self-belief and how it'll carry you through

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